Giving to Lakeshore
As Christians, we believe we are the recipients of incredible, undeserved generosity from God. He hasn’t treated us as our sins deserve – but has poured out his mercy and kindness to us – and continues to do so every day!
One of the ways we respond to God’s generosity is to give our money cheerfully and sacrificially to honour God, and make Him known.
Methods of giving
We want to encourage as many members as possible to give electronically. This is by far the best for church as it means; less money to count each week, less security risk, more regular giving, easier budgeting.
There are two main methods,
Direct transfer
Direct Transfer may be made hrough the Internet or a Bank Periodical Payments
This is the easiest and the most cost effective for you the giver and the church. All you need to do is set up a regular transfer from your account
to the church’s. This can be done over the counter at the bank or via the Internet (just ask your bank). You can schedule your payments and change them at any time.
Our Bank Account Details:
Name: Lakeshore Community Church of Christ
Bank: BOQ
BSB: 124-001
Acc: 20151596
Cash (envelopes)
You can also give by cash each week or monthly at church. There is an opportunity to leave your gift at the Church after service if you wish.