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Talks & sermons

blessed to be a blessing

20250112 Psalm 67Bruce Armstrong
00:00 / 27:23

apologies - Due to technical difficulties talk 05/01/25 isn't available

a blessed life

20241229 - Psalm 1Jacques Warricker
00:00 / 20:38

CHRISTMAS day- god has provided a saviour

20241225 Luke 2:8-14Tim Bradford
00:00 / 13:41

intentional humble beginnings

20241222Luke 2:1-7 Tim Bradford
00:00 / 23:11


20241215 Luke 1:57-80Tim Bradford
00:00 / 21:06

the age of uncertainty:

the claim that all religions are the same

20241208 Luke 1:26-56Tim Bradford
00:00 / 29:15

the age of uncertainty

20241201 Luke 1:1-25Tim Bradford
00:00 / 30:36

when words are kept

20241124 Deuteronomy Chapter 34Tim Bradford
00:00 / 24:08

life changing decisions

20241117 Deuteronomy 28Tim Bradford
00:00 / 24:29

teaching on a difficult subject - gods law and judgement

20241110 Deuteronomy 22Tim Bradford
00:00 / 36:38

gods' justice

20241103 Deuteronomy Chapters 16-17Tim Bradford
00:00 / 29:13


20241027 Deuteronomy Chapter 7Tim Bradford
00:00 / 25:50

love the lord your god with your whole heart, soul & mind

20241020 Deuteronomy Chapter 6Tim Bradford
00:00 / 30:07

Deuteronomy: A book about decisions

20241013 Deuteronomy Chapters 4 & 5Tim Bradford
00:00 / 33:34

Love the Lord - hold fast to him. the lord is your life

20241006Deuteronomy Chapters 1,2,3 Tim Bradford
00:00 / 29:49

The Battle to be Heard

20240929 1 Kings 18Dave Fowler
00:00 / 36:51

battle of the voices

20240922 1 Kings 17Dave Fowler
00:00 / 36:47

the message of the cross

20240915 1 Corinthians 1:18-31Rob Auld
00:00 / 27:00

biblical theology - gods unfolding story

20240908 Deuteronomy 11 Tim Bradford
00:00 / 26:28

The end will come

sufferings will cease

his salvation will come

20240901Revelation 1:9-20 Tim Bradford
00:00 / 39:33

gods' plan - what happens next

20240825 Acts 1:1-9 & 2:1-12 Tim Bradford
00:00 / 29:06

the promised blessing: jesus changes our world

20240818Tim Bradford
00:00 / 47:47

plead for mercy before judgement-

we have hope

20240804Tim Bradford
00:00 / 32:21

Gods' dwelling with us - serving the living god

20240728 Exodus 19:1-25Tim Bradford
00:00 / 27:48

How Does god save?

20240721 Genesis 11:26 - 12:7
00:00 / 35:20

story of the bible - creation and fall

20240714 Genesis 1-3Tim Bradford
00:00 / 27:36

Gods' Protection and Provision for Eternity

20240707 Psalm 23Dave Fowler
00:00 / 37:55


20240630 - 1 Kings 19:1-18Bruce Armstrong
00:00 / 26:06

be strong in the lord and in his mighty power

20240623 Ephesians 6:10-23Tim Bradford
00:00 / 25:50

how we should live serving the lord

20240616 - Ephesians 6:1-9Tim Bradford
00:00 / 26:42

Marriages shaped by christ

20240609 Ephesians 5:22-33Tim Bradford
00:00 / 29:49

We are Light- be careful how you live

20240602 Ephesians 4:27 - 5:21Tim Bradford
00:00 / 28:01

Taking off the old self -

transformation with God's Help

20240526 Ephesians 4:17 - 5:7 - Tim Bradford
00:00 / 30:41

how do we measure a meaningful life?

20240512 Ephesians 13 Tim Bradford
00:00 / 29:11

The reconciling power of the gospel - all bought together under jesus

20240505 - Ephesians 2:1-22 - Tim Bradford
00:00 / 29:24

Our story - Gods perspective

20240428 Ephesians 2:1-10 - Tim Bradford
00:00 / 32:35

the great sufficiency of the gospel

20240421 Ephesians 1:1-15 - Tim Bradford
00:00 / 20:17

All things united under jesus

20240414 Ephesians 1 - Tim Bradford
00:00 / 30:40

Know what to Live for

20240407-Esther 1 - Dave Fowler
00:00 / 36:10

be filled with Hope: death is not the end for those who believe

20240331 Mark Chapter 16:1-13 Tim Bradshaw
00:00 / 21:55

gods great work will dispel all our fears

20240324 Mark Chapter 14 Tim Bradford
00:00 / 32:02


20240317 Mark Chapter 13 Tim Bradford
00:00 / 36:29

The End of the Old Authority

20240310 Mark 12:13-44 Tim Fowler
00:00 / 21:30

the king has come: mercy reigns

20240225 Mark 11:1-25 Tim Bradford
00:00 / 24:46

God gives better than we ask or think

20240218 Mark 10:30 - 52 Tim Fowler
00:00 / 24:15

what do we treasure?

20240211 Mark 10:17 - 29 Tim Bradford
00:00 / 33:16

Marriage and Divorce

20240204 Mark 10: 1-12 Tim Bradford
00:00 / 30:27

who is the greatest

20240128-am Mark 9:30-50 - Tim Bradford
00:00 / 31:38

Gospel Narrative: context Conflict & resolution

20240121 Mark 9:14-29 - Bruce Armstrong
00:00 / 29:27

jesus' crossing the borders

20240107-amMark 7:24 - 8:21 Tim Bradford 07.01.2024
00:00 / 25:21

CO-Workers with christ-New Years Eve

20231231-amPhillipians 2:12- 17 Ben Allen
00:00 / 35:15

what do you see?  - cHRISTMAS day

Luke 2:22 - 35 Tim Bradford 20232523-am
00:00 / 14:34

Peace With God - cHRISTMAS eVE

Tim Bradford 24.12.2023
00:00 / 18:30

The King who Gives

Tim Fowler 17-12-23
00:00 / 22:14

What's the problem with the world today?

Mark 7 1 - 23 - Tristan Lindner 03.12.23
00:00 / 23:50

Death, our great enemy, is conquered

Mark 5 21 - 42 - Leo Woodward 19.11.2023
00:00 / 23:52

Uniting around the Gospel of Jesus

Nov Mark 2:18-3:6 - Tim Bradford
00:00 / 29:32

Jesus' help for the helpless

Mark 2 vs 1-17 Rob Auld 22.10.23
00:00 / 20:00

Jesus' parable about the sower

Mark Chapter 4 vs 1-20 Tim Bradford 5.11.2023
00:00 / 31:38

Jesus' authority over death

Mark Chapter 1 - Mark Varidel 15.10.2023
00:00 / 27:37
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